Certified/Sworn translation is a form of written translation. In such translation all elements from the original text which cannot be omitted under any circumstances, are being translated including the seals, stamps, annotations, references etc. It is done in accordance with the existing regulations on certified/sworn translations. Each page of the translation is sealed and signed by the sworn translator that is authorized to carry out certified/sworn translations which are often required by the authorities.
Examples of such documents include: birth/marriage/death certificates, police clearance certificates, deeds, notarial deeds, powers of attorney and contracts, diplomas and school certificates. They all must be translated and authenticated by a sworn translator. Certified/sworn translations require precision and accuracy, which is why they are performed by highly specialized translators.
Remuneration of the sworn translator is defined by the Regulation of the Ministry of Justice dated 24th January 2005. In accordance with that regulation the calculation page is understood as 25 lines (rows?), and the line is understood as 45 characters of either typescript or manuscript. Each Each started page counts as a whole. In the case of translation done in a different layout than 25 typed lines of 45 characters per page, it is assumed that billing page of certified translation contains 1125 characters.
Source document for such translations are the original documents, and in case that Client doesn’t provide the original document but only a copy, it has to be clearly stated in the description contained in the certified translation. After completing the translation client receives back all the original documents.

al. Krasińskiego 1 pok. 508, 31-111 Kraków
(“Jubilat” building)
Opening hours:
Monday – friday 9:00 – 16:50
Bank account:
Kancelaria Tłumacza MS Mostowy
al. Krasińskiego 1 pok. 508, 31-111 Kraków, Poland
PL 44 1140 2004 0000 3202 7868 0570
Skrytka pocztowa 2108, 90-959 Łódź 2