Debuts in searching or exploring various content on the web are long overdue. Virtual shopping for some people is the prose of life. “Google it”, “Check prices on the Internet”… These and similar phrases have become part of our everyday life in quite visible font.
Here we look for such mundane information as the weather forecast, postal address, telephone number or even a recipe, not to mention social life… In the global network we test and verify, but also witnessing and experience.
By conducting all online activities we try to reach the widest possible audience. We have quite a wide range of means at our disposal, depending on whether we want to sell something or share the matter of another dimension. The most important thing is that we can tempt you with a wide range of products or competitive prices in the case of commercial activities, or we enter into the customs, cultural identity and sometimes even the emotionality of our readers in the case of topics not necessarily related to the broadly understood business. However, it turns out that so often we forget about one of the key means of communication and that is the translation of our message. Research shows that 42.5% of consumers give up their purchase if product information is not available in their language. The vast majority of Europeans confirm their willingness to use portals and applications available in their native language. Expanding the scope of the translation from English to 10 subsequent ones, the numbers are growing in our eyes – from 36.5% of potential customers around the world we are getting as much as 88%. Another advantage of taking steps towards translating a website is the subsequent benefit of positioning it in a given country. When you search in your preferred language, which in many cases is your mother tongue, untranslated pages obviously lose a lot in this competition. Thus, a website with key phrases written in many languages is well positioned abroad.
The system called Internet gives us the possibility to use automatic instruments. Starting from the Google translator, which will not make the website index in the foreign version of the search engine, to more or less advanced applications. Unfortunately, their only benefit is that in most cases we do not pay for such a “service”. However, as a consequence, we will get material, which leaves a lot to be desired. Bad translations of the website can scare off or simply give the impression of being false. They can be strange forms causing anxiety and sometimes laughter or even topics for jokes. A professional translation, on the other hand, means not only putting words together in a sentence, but also transferring the whole content, sometimes the emotional load and bringing life to it. Here, in more advanced cases, the complicity of a native-speaker will be invaluable. When deciding on a mature approach to the matter, we should remember the very important element, which is the quality of translation itself. As a result, a skilfully translated text will inspire the reader’s confidence, introduce a substitute for everyday life, which is something that we know and are not afraid to communicate with.
Today, everyone who creates in the virtual world wants his message to be transparent and recognizable. In this reality we don’t write ” to put it away in the drawer”. Both the entrepreneur, the service provider and the author of the blog will ask themselves: is it worth investing? Is it profitable? Yes. Translation of internet content is a relatively inexpensive and not very time-consuming procedure, and everyone will find its benefit. Whether it is financially measurable or meets our ambitions, the benefit is indisputable. And let’s not forget the role-playing, so often swept under the carpet today. Whether we like it or not, the Internet is no longer one of our areas of life or a tool we use. We are its inseparable part, necessary for it to work. The process of adaptation to the needs of the recipient no longer results from our desire to open up to the world. It is, in a way, a condition of existence in this ecosystem, indispensable to follow the flow.